Sunday, December 29, 2013

Coats For Kids Poseideon 2013 cause

Pandora's Kharis is proud to announce that the Coats For Kids Foundation won this month's poll for the next cause to donate to. The options were the following, including their percentages:
The Pandora's Kharis PayPal account is once more open to receive donations, and can be accessed in the right hand sidebar. The deadline to donate is January 2, 2014, and remember: we are giving to procure winter coats to at-risk kids.

The Coats for Kids Foundation, established in 2004 in Alexandria, VA has been a long time partner of Operation Warm, Inc. Founded on similar principles, both organizations have made it their mission to provide new winter coats to children in need. [Their] shared vision of ensuring every child wearing a new winter coat is healthy, able to attend school regularly and has a strong self-esteem is why Coats For Kids Foundation and Operation Warm, Inc. have united  with a goal of serving at-risk children in the Greater Washington D.C Metro area and an increasing number of children nationwide.

All PayPal costs will be covered by Elaion so your full donation will be transferred to the Coats For Kids Foundation. Thank you in advance for your donation, for spreading the word, and/or aiding the cause in any other way.

If you want to join the conversation, join Pandora's Kharis on Facebook.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

$304,- raised for the Pagan Federation International Philippines

As the Hellenic month of Maimakterion draws to a close, Elaion is proud and very happy to announce $304,- was raised from within the Hellenistic community to donate to the Pagan Federation International Philippines for the amazing work they do in the aftermath of Haiyan.

PayPal takes its standard fees from the transactions--in this case about $20,-, which was covered by Elaion, making sure every cent of your donation went to Doctors Without Borders. The average amount paid by the contributors was around $18,-, with donations coming in as high as $50,-.

Pagan Federation International is a campaigning organization aimed at networking like-minded individuals that will fight against ignorance and negative attitudes towards paganism and make it possible to have a more proactive and visible celebration of Paganism. In light of the terrible typhoon, the Pagan Federation International Philippines is using donations to help the survivors in hands-on, practical ways--with food, clean water, clothes and medication.

We encourage our members who have given so generously to dedicate this gift to the Gods, and to pray for the well-being of the people of the Philippines. Hopefully the Pagan Federation International Philippines will let us know how the money will be spent.

From this moment on, the Pandora's Kharis Facebook page is open to pitches. If you do not have Facebook, feel free to pitch your cause in the comments; we will relay the message to the community. On to another month of pitching, voting, and giving. Thank you so much for your generosity!