- Arcadia Spiritual Association: 0%
- Oxfam America: 9%
- Coats For Kids Foundation: 46%
- Lucky Paws Animal Rescue Rhodes: 27%
- Because I Am A Girl 0%
- The Queens Galley 18%
- Ali Forney Center 0%
The Coats for Kids Foundation, established in 2004 in Alexandria, VA has been a long time partner of Operation Warm, Inc. Founded on similar principles, both organizations have made it their mission to provide new winter coats to children in need. [Their] shared vision of ensuring every child wearing a new winter coat is healthy, able to attend school regularly and has a strong self-esteem is why Coats For Kids Foundation and Operation Warm, Inc. have united with a goal of serving at-risk children in the Greater Washington D.C Metro area and an increasing number of children nationwide.
All PayPal costs will be covered by Elaion so your full donation will be transferred to the Coats For Kids Foundation. Thank you in advance for your donation, for spreading the word, and/or aiding the cause in any other way.
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