Friday, June 5, 2015

Nominees Thargelion 2015

Another round of pitches has completed and once more, two worthy causes have been selected by the members of Pandora's Kharis.

Fundraiser for the Bakcheion
Bakcheion (Βακχεῖον) is a sacred guild honoring Dionysos Bakcheios, the God of ecstatic deliverance. Formed with the sole intent of hosting a Dionysian ritual at Many Gods West 2015, the Bakcheion includes members from all over the United States and the polytheist and pagan spectrums. The ritual will be held on the 1st of August at the conference hotel. The ritual will be open to registered participants and conference members. It will include a devotional performance, music and offerings in honour of Dionysos and His retinue.

The Bakcheion consists of volunteers with members offering their services for free and out of their own pockets. As some relief, we're calling for donations to help cover member travel expenses, accommodation and performance costs; including props and materials, libations / offerings and whatever other expenses may surprise us. If donations exceed the asking amount, it will be distributed back into supporting the polytheist community.

The League Against Cruel Sports
The League Against Cruel Sports is the leading UK charity helping to prevent cruelty to animals associated with sports such as fox hunting, game bird shooting and wildlife crime. Over nine decades of campaigning, the League has developed effective ways to thwart such sports through calling form and bringing about, legislative change; educating the general public and gaining public support for the issues at hand; and causing difficulty for the people inflicting cruelty. All these actions help animals on a day-to-day basis. But there is always more to do.

They rely on public support to carry out their work, which includes campaigning to keep the Hunting Ban and preventing illegal hunting with dogs which, despite the Hunting Act, is still happening around the UK.

You may cast your vote here or in the comments until June 10, 2015. Thank you!

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